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“融合•创新”国际学术交流沙龙第十七场活动预告:Association between saturated fatty acid intake with low density lipoprotein cholesterol and central obesity

粮油食品学院 国际教育学院 2024-12-02 15:58 浏览:

告题目:Association between saturated fatty acid intake with low density lipoprotein cholesterol and central obesity

报告人姓名: Ezgi Ozen




Ezgi completed her PhD in Human Nutrition at the University of Reading and later worked as a postdoctoral researcher, before joining as a Lecturer in Human Nutrition. She focuses on research projects investigating the relationship between diet, obesity, appetite regulation and cardiometabolic diseases.

This topic examines the association between dietary saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, and central adiposity. Elevated intake of SFAs, commonly found in animal-derived foods, is implicated in raising LDL cholesterol concentrations—a major risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, high SFA consumption is linked to increased central obesity, characterized by excess visceral fat accumulation, which independently contributes to metabolic dysfunction. Investigating these relationships is critical to informing evidence-based dietary guidelines for cardiovascular and metabolic health improvement.

粮油食品学院 国际教育学院



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